
Full Name: Les Nuage Lilas of Amorino

Sex: Female

Color: Lilac

Mother (Dam): Choc Ala (Opurrtune)

Father (Sire): Whisp O’Mist (Opurrtune)

Location of Birth: Opurrtune Cattery, Canada

Location of Death: Southern Illinois – Armorino Cattery

Cause of Death: hormonal imbalance


Lilas Nuage (French for lilac cloud) was a lilac Chantilly. She was born at Opurrtune Cattery in Canada, then was sent to live at Armorino Cattery with Nugget and Katie. Once fully matured, her coat would have a beautiful purple hue in the sunlight.

In her first venture into motherhood, she had only one kitten with Nugget named “Cocoa”. Nuage enjoyed spending her days teaching and playing with her kittens. In a photo below you will see a photo of Nuage playing with a cheese wedge toy. Her first baby is just out of camera range. Her baby Cocoa is intently watching as her mother teaches her how to catch the ball inside the cheese wedge.

She would have several more beautiful kittens before passing away from complications during kitten birth. Was later discovered that she had an hormonal imbalance, a condition that also made it difficult for her to conceive.   

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